Brewer: Private Weissbier-Brauerei Georg Schneider & Sohn, Munich
Beer Name: Wiesen Edel-Weisse Ale
Style: wheat beer
ABV: 6.2%, but I never saw that on the bottle!!
I purchased this lovely bottle of organic wheat beer from Mr. Dunderbak's on Bruce B. Downs, my go-to beer spot. I paid $5.59 for a metric pint (500 mL), which I think is fair. =)
I pulled it off the very end of the very bottom shelf, where it was sort of hidden behind a few other beers, which should have been my first clue. I poured it in my Cap City Brewery pint glass and found that I was simultaneously thrilled with the color and entirely disappointed in the lack of foamy head.
The color is pretty much what I love to see in a witbier: a very pretty light golden color, and it has just a little hint of romantic, delicious red when I hold it up to the light. However, the head (what little of it there was) disappeared immediately after I finished pouring it, which was a disappointment. The smell is lovely: a strong wheaty and yeasty smell, with maybe a bit of light, sweet, fruitiness. And the taste is incredible -- like what a witbier should taste like, except maybe fruitier. It's very sweet, one of the sweetest wheat beers I've had (which is entirely fine with me).
I am sad about the lack of foam; the beer is just sort of flat all around. I don't know how to tell whether a beer is flat because it's simply flat, or because it needs more bottle conditioning. The ale itself is very palatable and quite lovely in taste; I'd serve it at a summer barbeque if I could be assured that my bottles were properly carbonated.
I'll probably buy it again if I can make sure that I get ahold of one that's just been delivered to the store, and not been sitting on the shelf for ages. =)