Beer Name: Cave Creek Chili Beer
Style: Ale? Lager? ...oh wait, I see the style listed on the label there: "Beer."
ABV: Hell if I know; the bottle certainly doesn't make an effort to inform the drinker of its alcohol content. However, Beer Advocate tells me it's 4.20%... but I think they were trying to be cutsie.
Okay. I bought this beer about 2 weeks ago at Chuck's Health Food store in Temple Terrace. Now, I have nothing against Chuck's; I just find it amusing that they stock atrocious alcoholic beverages. I had a beer from there several months back that I bought because it claimed to be organic, but I almost couldn't finish it as it was brewed so sloppily.
Anyway, I purchased the Chili Pepper beer because... dammit, it has an ugly green serrano pepper floating in it. Not to mention, it was $1.79. Not to mention, it came in a clear bottle. Not to mention, it looked like apple juice (or maybe Corona, but aren't those one-in-the-same?).
I have been wanting to review the beer since I bought it because I knew it would make for a highly entertaining post, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to pour it. It's like going to the gynecologist... you know you need to do it but... yech.
I arrived at Cindy's house, Chili Beer in hand, and told her I wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. I chose a nice pilsner glass to pour it into, in hopes of making it look at least somewhat appetizing. No such luck. I poured the brew into my pilsner glass, and watched the wrinkly serrano pepper slip out of the bottle at the end of the pour and land in the liquid with a rather sickening plop. The "head" was about 2 centimeters thick and lasted all of about 5 seconds.
Cindy set the glass and bottle next to one another and started to snap a few shots. In the meantime, I did a google search on the beer in hopes of finding some sort of information about it, since the bottle told me neither the beer style nor the alcohol content. I found the website for the brewer, and sat in stunned silence for several seconds after I pulled up the webpage. Go ahead, click it, you know you want to.
Before the beer's temperature could drop below "icy" (which is what I tried to serve it at), I grabbed it and tipped back a sip.
I'm just saying... this is -- hands down -- the worst liquid I have ever had. And believe me, I have ingested a lot of liquids. (Take that as you will).
Okay, let's go through the standard categories:
Appearance: Come on, now. It has a nasty green serrano pepper in it. That's gotta count for something good, no? At least for novelty? However, the beer itself looks like piss. I give it a 3 out of 5 in terms of appearance.
Smell: This smells precisely like Corona with a chili pepper in it, and I said so to Cindy the second that I popped the cap off. Coincidentally, one of the reviewers on Beer Advocate said exactly the same thing (except he misspelled "chili").
Taste: I might say that (surprise!!) this tastes like Corona with a chili pepper in it. Actually, even without the chili pepper, the beer itself is (somehow) worse than a Corona. Fail. Epic, epic fail.
Mouthfeel: I'm sorry, but this literally hurts my mouth. And my tummy. It feels like oily, metallic hotsauce. This is the worst.
Drinkability: Two sips, my friend. I couldn't make it any further than two sips. And now I feel like I have to go to the bathroom.
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